Ayodhya verdict

The verdict in the Ayodhya case was pro-India. While the judiciary took a very balanced view about sentiments and faith on the day of Ayodhya verdict, we the citizens of free India once again proved that we are indisciplined. What were so many lawyers doing on the stage? Why were they showing the “V” for victory signs when the government had issued directives against any such show. Are lawyers above the law? It was pathetic to see those on the stage speaking on cell phones while making every attempt to ensure that they were within the camera’s frame.

The best process would have been if the media would have been instructed to be seated in the Media Room. Two lawyers should have been designated by the government to convey the verdict. There should have been a gap of an hour between passing of the actual verdict and conveying the same to the media. This time could have been used for getting printed copies for the press. The two lawyers should have entered the hall only after the media was seated. This would have prevented the near stampede like situation.

One of the lawyers owing allegiance to a political party, spoke like a politician rather than like a responsible citizen while sharing the verdict with viewers. He kept on repeating only that part of the verdict which was convenient for his party.

Really are we so obsessed with what happened few hundred years ago? Granted that injustice may have been done to someone hundreds of years ago, but aren’t there any other issues relevant today? Aren’t unemployment, hunger, poverty, health and education any less important than this verdict? Isn’t it time that we get over these things?

Prasoon Joshi has made a very fitting comment in his poem -

किसीने कुछ बनाया था किसीने कुछ बनाया है

कही मंदिर की पर्छाई कही मसजिद का साया है

न तब पूछा था हुमसे और अब न पूछने आये है

हमेशा फ़ैसले करके हमे यूही सूनाया है

किसीने कुछ बनाया था किसीने कुछ बनाया है

हमे फ़ुरसत कहा रोटी की गोलाई की चक्कर से

न जाने किसका मंदिर है न जाने किसकी मसजिद है

न जाने कौन उलझाता है सीधे सच्चे धागोंको

न जाने किसकी ये साज़िश है न जाने किसकी ये ज़िद है

अजब सा सिलसिला है ये जाने किसने चलाया है

किसीने कुछ बनाया था किसीने कुछ बनाया है

वो कहते है तुम्हारा है ज़रा तूम एक नज़र डालो

वो कहते है बढो मांगो ज़रूरी है ना तूम टालो

मगर अपनी ज़रूरत तो है बिल्कूल अलग इससे

ज़रा सोचो ज़रा रूको हमे सांचोमे मत ढालो

बताओ कौन ये शोला मेरे आंगन मे लाया है

किसीने कुछ बनाया था किसीने कुछ बनाया है

अगर हिन्दू में आंधी है अगर तूफां मूसलमां है

तो आओ आंधी-तूफां यार बनके कुछ नया करते हैं

तो आओ एक नज़र डाले अहेम से कुछ सवालोंपर

कई कोने अंधेरे हैं मशालोंको दिया करते हैं

अब असली दर्द बोलेंगे जो सीनोंमें छुपाया है

किसीने कुछ बनाया था किसीने कुछ बनाया है


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